Elizabeth Tate, Crossroads Magazine, Featured Member, Member Spotlight

Elizabeth Tate Featured In Memphis Crossroads Magazine

In each issue of Memphis Crossroads, we highlight a Board of Advisor level member, showcasing their important role in the Chamber as well as the business community. Elizabeth Tate, Chairman & CEO of Signet, Inc., shares the benefits of being a Chamber member and how Signet serves Memphis.

Why did you join the Greater Memphis Chamber?

Signet joined the Chamber because it is a catalyst for business here in Memphis. It increases our visibility in the community and provides beneficial connections and resources. It also puts us in the middle of "the know" of what is going on and what is on the horizon. The Chamber helps bring additional business to Memphis and advocates for the existing businesses here. What's good for individual businesses is good for Memphis as a whole.

What are the benefits of doing business in Memphis?

Memphis is business friendly, reasonably priced in all areas and has a "can do" spirit about it. We are not afraid get scrappy to get things moving. Among the organizations like the Greater Memphis Chamber, Memphis Tourism, government, banks and also among key community movers and shakers in Memphis reside people who can help you get things done.

Click here to read more in Memphis Crossroads Magazine.